Agia Efimia

Agia Efimia

Agia Efimia is a very popular destination of Cephalonia .Is very close to Melissani cave .The place is full of tavernas , cafes and touristic shops .

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Fiskardo is on the NE tip of Cephalonian island . Fiskardo is maybe the most popular destination in Ionian .The best restaurants the view and the coloured houses make the place unique .

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Assos is a small harbour on the N/W side of Cephalonia . A very nice small traditional village that must seen if you sail in the area . The massive fort on the peninsula offers a great view to the walkers who will attempt a walk at the sunset

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Sami is the main ferry port of Cephalonia , nice town in which you can find almost everything .Nice tavernas , cafes and tourist shops .If you visit Sami you have to visit Melissani cave which is just 2km from the port and the cost for a taxi is not more than 20€

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